Train to Luxor


All good things must come to an end, and so I found myself back at the El Minya train staton, waiting for the train that would take me to Luxor


Sugar cane being harvested. I love train rides, because you just sit back and watch the 'movie' of the changing landscape pass by your, hopefully clean, window


Railroad - street crossings show the waiting locals in their day to day intereaction, natural and unposed


Backyard views


These are in order, as they were taken on the way from Minya to Luxor.


The lesser parts of Egypt without monuments and without tons of tourists cruising through


Town after town passes by. This one more modern, more affluent



I just love this. I know, seems like the coward's way of travel, but I do my share of mixing in.



And it's back to small and insignificant towns. Local trains connect them. The express, such as the one I am on, goes right through.


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